Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lost: Here we go again...

If you check out my other posts tagged "Lost", you'll find the prediction I made 9 months ago for the opening shot of season 6: The plane safely landing at LAX. Well, I was half right.
So we have 2 parallel universes going on here? One where the bomb worked, and the crash never happened and one where the bomb didn't work and the gang is still stuck on the island (however, no longer in 1977, but present day). In the "saved universe" Desmond never made it to the island (that's now underwater), but somehow made it onto the plane (and then possibly disappeared from the plane?). In the "unsaved universe" things are getting freaky now that Jacob is dead and the others are hunkering down for a full-out war. But, wait a minute... What were Juliette's dying (or post-dying) words? "It worked!" Great... more questions and we only have 15 more episodes to go.

What did we find out?
Fake Locke is really the dude in black.
The dude in black is also the smoke monster!
Ash (and a high powered frequency fence) keeps away the smoke monster.
The stewardess from the plane is still alive with the others.
Jacob is really dead.
That wasn't Charlie's guitar in the case... it was a Jacob fortune cookie.
The actress that plays Shannon didn't sign a contract to be in the final season.

What questions are bugging me now?
What is that mark on off-island Jack's neck?
Why are the others in trouble if something happens to the on-island gang?
What's the man in black's beef with Richard Alpert?
Why weren't Walt and Michael on the plane?
Is that really Sayid or the reincarnation of Jacob?
Where did Christian Shepard's corpse go?
For what possible reason did the actress who plays Shannon decide not to sign a contract to be in the final season?

Did I miss anything? Use the comments section below to add your own thoughts.


  1. I think its the reincarnation of Jacob, no longer Sayid. Just as Blackie/Smokie took over John. Juliet was right, It worked, they are not on the island b/c it didn't work, otherwise they wouldn't have the memory and would have been in 1977. They are just trapped right now, they are needed to help Jacob, now Sayid regain control on the island. The loophole that Blackie/Smokie/John used would work both ways I would think, and now Jacob will have the ability to kill John, and all will be right. They are showing that these people were destine to cross each others life by showing you the interactions after the plane landed and even during flight.

  2. There were some reports that the actress who played "Shannon" was difficult on the set and may have been holding out for more money to return. No big loss.

    Could "John Locke" have known his destiny all along?

    The people at the temple are likely from that wrecked old ship The Black Rock.

    How the two timelines will connect (if they do) will be interesting to watch. As well as finding out how the island ended up at the bottom of the ocean. IF it is ever explained.

  3. Maybe they are giving us their lives that could have been if the plane didn't crash to see that they were realy better off crashing. Sun is stuck with a absolute jerk of a Jin, Charlie is a druggie & may die for his next fix insead of saving lives of his friends, Kate is in the run...and so on!

  4. OK, we finally found out where the kids were taken.

    I do not think that Sayid is the reincanation of Jacob. The water in the temple is obviously some kind of fountain of youth (hence why Alpert never ages, he was dipped in there once himself) and now that it is dirty (because Jacob is dead and his power can't counteract a negative Man in Black power) it seems as though Sayid would be reinforced with a negative power only.

    Just an observation...a line of ash is thought to keep out negative forces in the same way in Voodoo.

  5. Walt wasn't on the plane because he is already in his late teens.. They can't cover up the 6-7 year difference in age..

  6. "The actress that plays Shannon didn't sign a contract to be in the final season." Ha ha!

    The ash symbolism is interesting if you look into it that way:

  7. Alright, the producers for LOST were on Jimmy Kimmel and answered some questions. Shannon is coming back and was not on the plane for reasons pertaining to the story and there were other key differences about the flight that are that way for a reason. Hurley feels like he has nothing but good luck, Jack is nervous and Rose is not, Desmond is there, Cindy and the other flight attendants don't chase Charlie into the forward bathroom when he goes for his fix. Jack spills his vodka and only got one bottle. Claire was in a cab outside the airport, but we didn't see her on the plane. They said Sayid is not Jacob, but hinted to him being possessed. They also said we'll find out the significance of the numbers within the next few episodes.

    Locke lost his knives, he said he went on the walkabout, Jack's father disappeared.

    The bomb created a paradox. It kept them from landing on the island, which kept them from finding the bomb and setting it off.

    I knew last season that wasn't Locke and he was the smoke monster. The smoke monster has been mascarading as dead people all along and made it quite obvious when he became Ecko's brother. I thought everyone knew that. As soon as I saw the man in black I said he was the smoke monster. At first I thought it might be Jacob.

    The Others are totally the decendents of the Black Rock with some other groups thrown in along the way.
    I agree with Laura on Richard Alpert. The first thing I said when they showed the water in the Temple was that it was the fountain of youth. Richard Alpert was in chains probably as a prisoner on the Block Rock.
    The symbol Jacob had in the guitar case was the egyptian symbol for afterlife. He obviously knew he was going to die and did nothing to prevent it. He was strong enough to keep the man in black at bay from the temple and keeps Alpert alive (Alpert said he doesn't age because Jacob wills it so), but he gets stabbed by Ben and then the man in black gets shot and it bounces off him like Superman. He has to have been connected to the fountain, which is why it changed color when he died.
    I believe the man in black is Esau, Jacob's twin brother from the old testament, sons of Isaac.

    I've been watching past seasons and realized that Widmore was such a jerk (trying to keep it clean) was to get Desmond to the island to push the button. After Desmond left the island he didn't care that he married Penny and had a kid, just that they were safe and happy. Widmore sent Naomi to the island with a copy Penny and Desmond's picture, so he knew Desmond was there. I think Eloise got a copy from the photographer for Widmore.

  8. who the hect even watches that anymore ...Really!!!!

  9. i get the impression that the"6" have forgoten what happened, but once they interact with the people that landed in LA, they begin to remember things or have a "feeling " of recognition or deja vu

  10. OMG you people kill me! I thought I was into LOST but I was wrong! I can't wait to see what the number mean why EVERYONE was brought to the island and if the two worlds do indead connect somehow! My question is..........what is the black rock(and I have seen every episode) and maybe I missed this also but when did Locke say that he and his father are in good standing??????


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