Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lost: Season 6 begins in 5 days!

I've been resisting the temptation to post all sorts of Lost stuff over the past few months... It's one thing to be obsessed with a show when it's on the air, but during hiatus? That's a little embarrassing. But now that we're under a week away from the final season premiere I just have to geek-out for at least one post.

OK, did anyone see the "commercials" that were released over the summer at Comic-Con? They tend to make me think that the bomb that was set off actually worked... But then again, nothing's ever that simple on Lost. Watch the video below and let me know what you think:


  1. Once on 30 Rock, that Jenna character said the island was all Hurley's dream.

  2. Wait...I have been waiting for LOST promos and saw exactly ONE today that said the premiere is on Tuesday. What the...? Why no hype? And was this the longest hiatus ever? I can barely keep up when it's on every week. I can't remember where we left off! Damn you LOST!


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