Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman sex tape?

The internets are a buzz this morning with supposedly leaked photos from a Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman sex tape. Apparently, the 15-minute tape that was shot a few years ago is being shopped around. The video was supposedly taped while the couple was on vacation at some resort. When they left, they forgot to take the camera with them and a resort employee got their hands on it.

True? The photos below are supposed to be from the video. Compare with Jimmy's manly physique to the right and decide for yourself.

While I probably wouldn't mind seeing Sarah Silverman gettin' it on... the thought of her flopping around with Jimmy makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I'm calling B.S. on this anyway... Whenever photos are leaked and they don't even show anyone's face it's usually fake.

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