Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tasteless doesn't even begin to describe this ad

They say there's no such thing as bad publicity. Humo magazine is putting that to the test with this ad. Their tagline is "Reading Humo Magazine can have serious consequences". Uh, real classy... and great timing, too.


  1. I think that no one should buy this magazine, and let the company see the serious consequences of placing an absolutely horrible insensitive ad.

  2. Mel Brooks Second Law of Comedy:
    Time Plus Tragedy Equals Comedy.

    It too soon and the wound is too fresh.

    (Just for reference:
    1. Good taste gets in the way of good comedy.
    2. Time plus tragedy equals comedy
    3. Comedy is relative. If i stub my toe, its a tragedy, if you fall in a sewer and drown, its a comedy.

  3. This is disgusting. I think people should boycot the mag as well as the companies who choose to advertise in it.
    Really really gross...


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