Monday, August 24, 2009

Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism, A Love Story"

The economic mess couldn't be better for Michael Moore. Everyone's ready to get mad at the man and who better to put him in his place than Michael Moore. Sure, his films aren't the most accurate... but who wants to let all of those "facts" get in the way when we're so angry!

1 comment:

  1. not accurate? everything the man has put out is FACT checked by independant auditors. if his FACTS were in question why hasn't anyone "Officially" gone after his ass for slander? why hasn't anyone cried foul with the "REAL FACTS" that would counter his? because there are none and no one to prove he's wrong. i am not a liberal, democrat or republican, i am a huge skeptic about most things. i was a a card carrying republican for 15 yrs. i now don't trust either party. at the same time though you cannot ignore the FACTS in his movies. Again, if he's making this stuff up he would've been called out on it years ago and had zero credibility at this point. the FACT that he hasn't only proves the point.
    get your FACTS straight next time.


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