Friday, August 21, 2009

Cops: don't let hot chicks hold your big guns

Here's the photo we were talking about this morning. This is a waitress at "Twin Peaks" Restaurant and Bar posing for a photo on the back of a cop car. Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter fired one deputy and suspended three others without pay for the photos of a waitress holding a rifle sitting on a Midland County patrol car. Round Rock officers were dispatched to the restaurant after someone reported the waitress with the weapon, which had been given to her by one of the deputies who had been attending a training session near Austin


  1. They should have the hood dusted for herpes

  2. Then the cops that were dispatched asked her to hold their guns...

    It's an endless cycle people!

  3. I can't believe that one of the cops got fired for it. She isn't even really that hot!!!!


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