Friday, July 10, 2009

Tampon parachute drop

A tampon company decided to spread the word about their product by dropping hundreds of tampons from an airplane to unsuspecting beachgoers. I really wish I was in on some of these brainstorming sessions. Here's three problems I see with this promotion:

1 - Dolphins choking and dying on a tampon is NOT good publicity.

2 - Who in their right mind is going to shove a tampon up there that fell from the sky?

3 - Looks like most of them landed in the water... I know the ShamWow needs to be damp to work, is it the same thing for tampons?


  1. Great, let's give the terrorists more ideas.

  2. Looks like they watched only the first half of the infamous WKRP episode with the "flying" turkeys promotion.


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