Thursday, July 2, 2009

Italian swimmer disqualified after bathing suit bursts at seams

We don't usually cover sports on, but this time we'll make an exception. Olympic swimmer Flavia Zoccari from Italy was disqualified from her competition yesterday because her bathing suit split in a very unfortunate location. We're not sure how this happened, but as a precaution I urge all of you swimmers out there to eat anything but Mexican food before the next big race!


  1. Don't understand why she should be disqualified though. Who cares about the ripped seam.

  2. It was nothing, no big deal, what is the problem with the ***@#% officials, bet they have not seen an ass in their life as clean as that one.

  3. What was the unfair advantage this gave her ?

  4. What was the basis for disqualification ? Judges' subjectivity, jealousy or bias ?

  5. Why was she disqualified and Ricky Berens was not. Seems to be a double standard here.

  6. ok that is soo stupid she shouldn't have been disqualified.It wasn't like she ment for it to split.


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