Friday, July 31, 2009

Fatty-Fat Friday - Part 2

Holy crap! Someone found my old WRRV ID badge from 7 years ago when I weighed 50lbs heavier than I do now. Nope, that's not photoshop my friends... I was a bona fide fatty-fat!


  1. I keep on saying you looked like Jared(not Leto)mesmorized by a oven roasted chicken sub.

  2. So that's what happened to Liz Fox. You swallowed her.

  3. My god man you were FAT hahahahha

  4. It didn't look that bad until I clicked it. My computer monitor has to be replaced now, thanks.

  5. Looks like you before a Guinness gas bloat episode.

  6. He shaved just before the picture was taken but his "Teen Wolf" persona still shows through.


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