Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brandi!

I don't celebrate co-workers' birthdays because I don't really care about that sort of thing. I know that Brandi does, however. Since I won't be here tomorrow on her actual birthday I decided to take a trip to Carvel and buy her a genuine Fudgy The Whale. Brandi was not very impressed... "what is this, an ice cream cake?" Ugh. This will be the last time I ever get anyone from WRRV anything for their birthday.


  1. time for a new co-host

  2. I prefer Cookie-Puss better, but I would have been pretty damn happy if you got me that for my birthday!!!

  3. YOU dont celebrate birthdays, yet for some reason I still have your birthday and anniversary on my google calendar... shame on you good radio sir, shame, shame!

  4. I just saw that Fudgie the Whale has a Facebook page


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