Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Girl gets more tattoo than she ever wanted

Kimberly Vlaminick from Belgium wanted three stars tattooed on her face. Sadly, the tattoo artist spoke very little French and misunderstood the instructions. I guess he thought she wanted a ton of stars on her face that made the shape of the number three! Kimberly said she did not notice that he was tattooing her whole face because she fell asleep.

I'm calling BS on this story.

There are only 2 possible situations that could have actually happened:

1: She was either really drunk or high and passed out. There's no way anyone could sleep through getting that many tattoos.

2: She got the exact tattoos she asked for, but realized that she looked like a douche when it was all said and done. Now she feels like an ass so she made the story up.

Regardless, you like in Belgium! Have a Delirium Tremens and a hunk of cheese and you'll feel better about the whole mess.

Here's the link to the full story including a photo of the girls ironic belt buckle.


  1. Mmmm. Delerium Tremens. The Nocturnum is good as well.

  2. I completely agree! You wouldn't sleep through 56 stars getting tattooed on your face!

  3. There is no possible way to fall asleep while getting a tattoo, let alone a face tattoo, i mean the artist had to have his hands all over her face, and leaning on her eyes, she had to be out of it. So stupid, Note, don't get tattoos on your face they are stupid.


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