Monday, June 22, 2009

Epic freakout by a kid over World Or Warcraft

This kid's mom closed out his WOW account, presumably as punishment. What follows is a freak out of epic proportions. Enjoy.


  1. They dont call it World of WarCrack for nothing..this kid has a addiction problem

  2. Why does he try to put the remote in his butt @ 1 point? That'll show mom.

  3. this kid is worse then the pokemon kid! and what ws he dong with his remote?.... i see other issues at hand sum this up epic...truly epic

  4. Just plain crazy.

  5. that was the same kid

  6. I used to do that when my mom took away my Nintendo. Except the remote part.

  7. It's almost as if its a fake, the remote thing threw me off at first, that thing thing would never fit without hurting something.


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