Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You're welcome, environment

Last week I was talking about my dependency on water bottles. I'm too lazy buy a re-usable bottle, so I grab a new Poland Spring bottle each day, re-fill it every few hours and then send it off to the giant water bottle landfill somewhere in New Jersey. Well, the response from the WRRV listeners was pretty crazy. People think I'm "killing the children" and "an ego centric non celebrity who needs to set an example to give (my) life some sort of meaning". Add all of that to the constant looks of disgust from Brandi each time I take a sip of water and it still wasn't enough to ween me off of my Poland Spring... until now.

My neighbor, who no doubt cries each week while watching me haul a huge recycle bin of water bottles out to the curb, came over to the house yesterday with a gift:

Presenting my new water bottle! It's dishwasher safe so I don't have to scrub it out each night and has a nice flip top so I can keep it in the studio without having to worry about knocking it over and electrocuting myself. I'll keep you posted on how it works out... in the meantime, stop sending me emails and go throw blood on the Olsen twins or something.


  1. Nice bottle, where did they get it? I suffer from the same bottle dependency as you.

  2. Boris: "You're" not "Your."

    -The Grammar Police

  3. *sigh* What these people fail to understand is that without empty water bottles, New Jersey serves no purpose. How dare you take purpose away from New Jersey!

  4. Yeah but the plastic will degrade and cause some disease. Every time you take a sip, you'll be thinking about all the chemicals seeping in. Enjoy!

  5. You can by them at the grocery store.

    Very cool bottle, Boris!


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