Monday, May 4, 2009

I guess there's no such thing as bad publicity, however...

...what if you're identified with the wrong name and the photo of you is actually a photo of the back of your head? And, to make things worse, the photographer wants everyone looking at the photo to "note the television screen to the left of the barber chair"?

Hey, what about noting the Hudson Valley Radio Legend® sitting IN the chair? You know, the guy that spells his name with an "I"? Oh well... it was a very nice haircut.

Thanks to The Carnwill Lacal and Kan Cishmin for reporting on the event.


  1. What's the matter BorAs?.... ROFL!!!
    Oh. I can't wait until tomorrow morning.

  2. Nice haircut Boris. So what were you watching on TV?

  3. At least you weren't called a boring ass, for which Boras would be short for.

  4. i dont get it....ahahah love you guys but play more metal......

  5. Wheres this place? I usually get clipped at Imperial in the home depot plaza by you


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