Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Snakes On A Plane" TV edit is genius!

This week we were talking about the movie "Snakes On A Plane". In Australia a real plane was grounded because real snakes were let loose and the crew were having trouble finding them. After we discussed that story, a few of our listeners sent me this video of the safe-for-TV version of Snakes On A Plane. Fans of the movie know that the most famous scene is when Samuel L. Jackson delivers the line, "I have had it with these mother#$% snakes on this mother#$% plane!". The question is, how do you show the movie on TV without bleeping out this pivotal line? It seems as though the producers anticipated this during the filming, and had Mr. Jackson record an alternate take just for TV. This actually aired on FX...


  1. oh my god. this is genius. This beats the Die Hard edit of "Yipee Kay-yay Mr. Falcon.

  2. Oh that was fantastic. I think I have just added a new phrase to my vocabulary!

  3. Ha ha haaaaaa! These TV edits get better and better!

    Was this really the TV version of Scarface? Warning: Dirty language...then ridiculous language - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcJ61KEynm4&feature=related

  4. Open windows? On a plane at 20,000 ft.? That's going to be real interesting.


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