Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jimmy Fallon gets kicked out of a pizza joint

If this is some publicity stunt to get people to watch his show, I take back everything bad I've ever said about Jimmy Fallon...

out of pity.

This weekend, Fallon and his family were at Posto in NYC. He claims that the owner kicked him out because of some nasty comments he made about the pizza place in a magazine. The best part is that he Twittered the whole thing. That's right, as he was getting kicked out he was texting to Twitter. Later, Fallon asks his fan(s) to boycott the restaurant, then he wusses out and takes it back.

I don't get it. I've said nasty things about places, but only because they deserved it... And I most certainly wouldn't bring my whole family back to these places if they were bad enough to complain about in the first place! There's probably 98,ooo pizza places in New York, so why go here? And if you're gonna get pissed off because some idiot kicks you out of a restaurant for no good reason, at least stick to your guns and don't wuss out and apologize. The story has a happy ending, though; I kind of forgot that Fallon had a TV show until I read about this... so good job I guess.

Read the whole Twitter rundown here

1 comment:

  1. Exactly- I'd throw him out for not being funny- and I'm sure he'd drive business away.


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