Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools prank pulled on TV station

Some lame TV news show was pranked by its viewers yesterday. During their birthday segment the anchors were tricked into saying names like Dixie Normous, Emmerson Bigguns, Gabe Asher, Craven Morehead, Mike H... well, you get the idea. Come on, TV guys! If two idiots like Brandi and I can filter out the fake birthday names every morning, I'm sure there's someone on your staff that could figure it out too!

1 comment:

  1. OMFG- how dumb are those talking heads?
    I was LMAO as they stumbled thru the names. You would have thought that by the time they got to Mike Hunt they would have guessed they were pranked.

    Emersom Bigguns - Hooterville, NY


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