Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10 years after Columbine, the truth comes out

Believe it or not, it's been 10 years since the Columbine tragedy. In the months following, we learned that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were members of a fringe gang called the "Trench Coat Mafia". Actually, that's not true. We were also told that the reason for the massacre was the duo's outrage over years of being picked on by jocks and popular kids. Also, that's not true at all. In fact, the kids that did this could have easily been the quarterback, the drama student, the prom king or some math geek. So what was their motivation? They were insane. Here's an article from USA Today that sorts through the facts.


  1. Interesting story I didn't know that all of these things were later proven to be false. Thanks boris.

  2. Local family of Columbine Victim- The real fact is that what ever the reason or motive for murderous rampages, the conscious intent of the murderers is infamous noteriety. Every shooter knows that their identity will be publicly broadcast and immortalized causing the media to perpetuate more shootings. Media should focus on the victims and dismiss the savage murderers.

    Who can name one victim of any of these shooting beyond a month after the killings...Only family! Did anyone know that the final victim removed from Columbine has local HV family? Kelly Fleming was the final fatality removed from the school. This lovable innocent child was surrounded by explosive booby traps after being mortally shot. Her Aunt and other relatives live in Rockland County. Kelly's life was tragically cut short yet nobody remembers her. Whether mental illness, depression or outrage drives the shooters, it is ultimately their conscious reality that in conducting a killing spree the media will leave them a legacy and the attention they were lacking in life yet the victims remain nameless. When will the media reduce the shootings by only focusing on the victims?

  3. "Every shooter knows that their identity will be publicly broadcast and immortalized causing the media to perpetuate more shootings."

    I totally agree, Anonymous! Every time you hear about stuff like this, there seems to be a copycat crime (or crimes) soon afterwards. During a school training session, we listened to 911 recordings from staff and students in the building during the shooting. When it was over, you could hear a pin drop. It was one of the most disturbing things I've ever listened to and made me wonder how any of the parents and relatives of these kids and teachers would ever been the same. God bless us if this is what we have to expect from today's society of me-me-me.


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