Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dora's all grown up... and slutty!

Parents are outraged at Nickelodeon this morning. They unveiled a new "tween" version of Dora The Explorer (translation: "slutty"). She doesn't look like a cute little lesbian anymore. Now, Dora actually looks like she may have fallen off of the Rock Of Love bus. Check out the photos for yourself and tell us what you think:


  1. why when she says "back pack" it sounds like "fag hag"??

  2. Are you kidding me?? I do not see anything wrong with what Tween Dora is wearing. She has cute leggings on and she's not showing any skin or anything like that. People need to chill- and Boris you are a MORON!!!!

  3. actually makes sense...Dora had to grow up sometime. Most cartoons stay their age forever. Is that more confusing to children if cartoons don't age but the children themselves do? They can probably relate better to her now.

  4. Cool! I will have to start watching now!

  5. This is the image people were upset about, the silhouette left a lot to the imagination:

  6. the cartoon dora is staying the same. the tween dora is just for some doll that is going to be sold.

  7. are you kidding me? boris grow up!! how old r u? 50? ok well grow up! the Dora cartoon character has to grow up some time bud! well its obvious u have!! maybe now children wont be asking their parents why dora doesnt ever grow up!!
    grow up!

  8. as a mother of a growing 5 year old daughter, My views on "tween Dora" are as follows... SHE IS FINE! The kids could be watching things like Hannah Montana or the Bratts. Now that is slutty! I don't see anything slutty with the new Dora. There are so many other cartoons out there that you could legitimately criticize. Leave Dora alone. So many lil kids grow and learn from Dora incl my daughter and I am happy to see that Dora can now follow them to continue helping our lil ones learn! And don't get me wrong... That is the parent jobs and i found sitting with my daughter and watching things like Dora with her has been a huge help!

  9. There's nothing wrong with Tween Dora. Boris, just because you'd like to think you can what's under her new cool attire doesn't mean the rest of the population thinks that way. Nickolodeon shouldn't be getting any complaints about trying to further Dora's explorations.

  10. If you want slutty, let's talk Bratz dolls. The new Dora looks CUTE. Leave Dora alone! VIVA DORA!

  11. Think she looks fine,...and if its only a doll maybe they should think about making it a show as well. And in a couple years another version where her kids take over the show. Dora growing up is a great idea!

  12. that iz such a cute outfit! and it iz not slutty!

  13. what the hell are you on about shes wearing a long top and leggings whats wrong with that

  14. I dont think anything is wrong with dora. what do you people want her to wear sweat pants with a baggy hoodie so that nothing shows but her head? Come on leggings with a long shirt dress thing she is fine!

  15. omg what the hell is ur problem dude i just heard about this new dora and its adorable i grew up with dora, and now im 13 and i still think shes awesome, mostly because my dad wants me to learn spanish from her,but its time for her to grow up the little dora was kinda annoying and how does 7 year old dora look like a lesbian who ever thinks that needs to get a frigin life

  16. shut poor is i luv dora #*@9~$2 thats abad word

  17. Ha were's the new hot teen? thats not one of the slutty photos up top.everone I think the new teen doll is slutty.She needed a change but why slutty.But it's a very good change for Dora the explorer.

  18. doras fine she's not slutty just cute

  19. Cute Tween Dora. :) And the new Tween Dora doll is pretty cool too. My 3 year old loves the idea of Dora growing up.

  20. thats stupid! dora is not slutty at all! SHE DOESN'T SHOW OR HAVE ANY CLEAVAGE, AND HER LEGS ARE COVERED! i am 13 and thats normAlly what i wear. you clearly dont know the DEFENITION OF SLUTTY. ( PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS)

  21. I don't see anything wrong.But I like her outfit!


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