Friday, March 13, 2009

Back to the drawing board, scientists!

Sooooo... that whole thing about dinosaurs being extinct way before man lived on earth? That may not be exactly accurate. Check out this carving found on the Ta Prohm Temple built in 1186, located in what is now the Cambodian jungle. Looks like a freakin' dinosaur to me!

Explain that one, science man!


  1. Makes you wonder what ELSE they got wrong...and how much information this one thing will uncover...

  2. ok, so in 1186 someone was smart enough to dig up a fossil and figure out it used to be an animal and drew how it might look. it's not like a cave painting with a guy riding a dinosaur. the whole idea of dragons comes from dinosaur fossils. we see millions of drawings and sculptures of them. does that mean they were real and breathed fire?
    take this for what it was, someone carving an animal based on its bones. These people were not detached from their food like we are today. They had to kill, gut, and skin their food and dealt with bones all the time. The average person would have a very good idea of how to reconstruct an animal's appearance from its bones.

  3. ah, ah, ah.. you didnt say the magic word.. ah, ah, ah... ah, ah, ah...


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