Saturday, February 28, 2009

WRRV Winter Beach Party

I had an awesome time at the WRRV Winter Beach Party last night. The WRRV listeners are known for always coming to our events ready to party, and once again, they did not disappoint!

Congratulations to Susan Scott on winning a trip to the island destination of her choice!

There's a ton of photos now posted of the games, bikini contest and all-around mayhem from last night. But one event couldn't be summed up with a mere photo... it takes video. Blackmail video. May I present... Shmonty:


  1. So #12 and I went to Alexis diner after the party and mayhem ensued due to the bikini tops. Because Newburgh diners are chuck full of children and sunday school classes at 1am and have never been to the beach in their life to see a bikini top you know. Oddly, the only one they had an issue with being in a bikini top was round me. Maybe they thought I was fat and not pregnant because they didn't say a word to #12 about her bikini. #12 would also like you to know that she works in Purchasing as opposed to just working.

  2. Just wanted to say thanks for having the party, I had a great time!

  3. Good god! my eyes, my eyes!!!!!

  4. Thanks so much for having the party. Even tho we didn't win the trip my girlfriend and I had a blast.


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