Friday, February 27, 2009

Supernanny child abuse

The Davis family is now under investigation for child abuse after appearing on Supernanny. Here's a tip: don't smack your kid around in front of the camera. This guy needs to be locked up.


  1. That may be one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. I can't believe they showed that on TV!

  2. I 100% agree with the father. That's the problem with the kids today, the schools teach them to scream child abuse and then the parents are too scared to deal with their own children. One good beating is all it takes!!!!!

  3. Anonymous dude above, did you watch the clip? It wasn't "one good beating" he slapped the kid in the face repeatedly, dragged a kid by the arm and he called his daughter a b****. The kids didn't scream child abuse, people who watched the video did. Watch the freakin' video before making a stupid ass comment like that. Spanking is one thing, this is something else.

  4. Unbelieveable people, This is still only a TV show. I know the Davis family. For the idiot that hs no understanding that this show was put together to gain ratings, come on now. Debbra is a very strong lady, not the weak thing the the producers put together to show you. Phil is a great guy. Loves his children and adores his wife. GREAT JOB SUPERNANNY SHOW, YOU SURE GOT YOUR RATINGS up...This family is going thru hell right now because of the show. They got alot out of the show while filming and yes I said filming. It is a shame that none of all the good stuff was shown. You guys gotta get a life. This is unreal.

  5. They didn't make him hit his kids! It may only be a tv show but they didn't "create" the footage of him hitting his kids over and over. I hope this guy gets everything he deserves.

  6. He barely even hit the kid! HE gave them one tap on the a** or cheek, and it was barely even hard! Seriously- animals smack their young, and humans ARE animals. For the love of god, people...

  7. Okay beatings aside, no one should ever call their child a b****. The verbal abuse that these children take is unbelievable. I'm glad that the other daughter is getting straight As I hope is gets into a great private school and can get out. Those kids deserve better.

  8. Did none of you watch the show?? Yes, child abuse is bad. Yes, some of what he did was child abuse and should be stopped.

    But he DID get help. Jo stopped it. AND she got him into anger management, which is the same thing that CPS would do. I know my friend’s dad got called on by CPS. And you know what at least this dad wanted the help.

    Now, what do you think he feels about the system. He tried and their still trying to “get” him.


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