Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why no posts this morning?

The computer in my office at the palatial Cumulus Broadcasting studios in Poughkeepsie has been acting up for a few days... apparently because it was infected with a virus that multiplied last night, killing the hard drive.

(insert your own internet porn joke here)

Apparently our IT guy said that he noticed that our virus protection wasn't downloading updates for a while. So, I'm sure more computers in the building are bound to follow. Luckily, I learned to religiously back things up after my computer crashed the last time, so the only thing this really affects is my ability to update the site before the show. Hopefully we won't have this problem tomorrow, as I have already made a copy of the key to Simon's office and will be taking over his PC.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to immediately apply for the open IT guy position. Thank you.


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