Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's 20/20 so it's ok to show women having orgasms

Did you happen to catch 20/20 the other night? They had a whole show dedicated to pregnancy - the FREAKY side of pregnancy. There were those nutty women who still breastfeed their 8-year-old children and this story about women who orgasm during pregnancy. That's right... they orgasm while giving birth. I can't even imagine what childbirth is like, but I would think an orgasm would be the very last thing on my mind while trying to squeeze a watermellon out of my body


  1. What is this? Kissing during childbirth? Who are these people? My three children bring me happiness and joy, but nothing like that. The closest thing I had to an orgasm was an epidural. These women are nuts.

  2. New pick up line "WANNA HAVE A BABY?".


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