Thursday, December 4, 2008

WRRV presents a FREE concert with Saliva!

If you missed the announcement on Wednesday, WRRV is presenting a FREE concert with Saliva at the Orange County Choppers headquarters in Newburgh. The show is Sunday, December 14th at 5pm... but the doors open at 4pm. I suggest you get there early if you want a good spot! Of course, WRRV will be there broadcasting live.. and we will also be collecting toys for the WRRV Camp Out For Kids Toy Drive.

If you haven't been to a free O.C.C. / WRRV show yet... you're missing out! Here's a video of our show with P.O.D. over the summer. And, yes, I miss Gilmore too!


  1. Before anyone else comments, yes - I am wearing ugly shorts. I wasn't expecting to be on stage.

  2. I was at that show it rocked. Can't wait for Saliva!!!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, Andrew - you sound so different!


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