Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa attacked by a bobcat!

I'll be honest, I'm a little creeped out by people who find it necessary to bring their pet to meet Santa. First off, your pet has no idea what the hell is going on. I know people think that their pet is the smartest animal on earth, but honestly - Rover only sees a red and white blob that is saying "mahblalbhahb". Secondly, what is your pet going to ask for for Christmas? It already gets free food and lodging and someone to pick up it's poop. Fido doesn't deserve a Christmas present, he's been mooching off of you way too long. Finally, get a life. There must be a thousand better things to do with your time than bring your animal child for a visit to Santa. How about finding a real child who's parents won't bring him to see Santa? Heck, you can even bring your spoiled little dog for the ride.

Anyway, one of these crazy animal people apparently almost killed Santa with their pet Bobcat..


  1. People who bring their pet to meet Santa are the same people who dress their pets up in Halloween costumes. I'm sure your dog really wants to walk around dressed like Spiderman!

  2. I took my greyhound to meet santa!!!! it was for charity so all of the money helped abandoned animals and we used the picture for this years xmas card. come on, boris, i know you love your cat mister doodles you should have him pose with santa and put the picture on the website hahahah!!!! -Gina

  3. I hate to agree with Boris, but this time he's absolutely right. Don't be one of those pathetic crazy cat ladies and bring the cat to meet santa. It's cruel to the animal because they don't know what's going on and also just lame!!! Go make some human friends.

  4. So nobody thought it odd when a 30lb bobcat walked into the store on a harness? Seriously?

  5. I agree Boris. Too many people treat their pets as kids. I'm sure Santa wants your dog pissing on his lap. We have computers now, you can put your dog on Santa's lap through Printshop.

  6. 1500 BUX?????????.....

  7. What was Santa thinking? Letting a bobcat onto his lap! Here, kitty, kitty...


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