Monday, December 22, 2008

My aunt is gonna freak out, thanks Fox News!

I hate Fox News. Not because of their political agenda, but because they scare the crap out of my elderly aunt. All she does is sit home and play with her cat while watching Fox News, and every time I see her she is terrified about something she saw on that damn channel. First she was freaking out because they told her that her TV was going to blow up in February when all programming converts to digital. Last month she was convinced that Obama wasn't actually born in America and that his birth certificate was locked in some secret vault in Hawaii. Now I really can't wait for Christmas dinner, because I know she's going to be talking about how the FBI is listening to us RIGHT NOW!!! Good, let the FBI listen in... I'm sure they'd love to hear all about the litterbox habits of my Aunt's cat and how she heard that Hillary Clinton is actually a dude.


  1. I'm not shocked. There is a lot more then just your cell phone. Who's to say your new fancy cell phone, pda or palmtop doesn't have a battery in it to keep memory. Remember the DS has a mic and is wireless capable. Any way big brother can invade your privacy, they will. One by one taking away our rights. It's only a matter of time till we are old school Russia. Or am i just paranoid?

  2. Right, because CNN and MSNBC don't do their damned level best to scare the **** out of lefties...


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