Monday, December 15, 2008

Governor Patterson on SNL

Did you miss Saturday Night Live this weekend? The highlight was "Governor Patterson" interrupting Amy Pohler's farewell speech...

Apparently, Patterson wasn't amused. The "New York Post" cites a spokesman for Paterson as saying the governor was disappointed NBC's sketch comedy show resorted to offensive stock blind jokes. Paterson's representative said the skit ridiculed people with physical disabilities and implied blind people are incompetent in serious jobs. Advocacy groups for the disabled have also come out against "Saturday Night Live" for the Paterson skit and many other instances where they say blind people are mocked for their disability. Paterson's spokesman, who described his boss as a the kind of guy who can take a joke, said the governor, quote, "is sure that 'Saturday Night Live,' with all its talent, can find a way to be funny without being offensive."


  1. Whaaa Paterson! If you can't take the heat... you know the rest!

  2. I laughed my ass off, and found that the blindness was treated mildly, and his ineptness at being a politician was featured.

  3. I really didn't think it was that bad. It is SNL thats what they do- get over it!!

  4. if he really talks abot the disableb then he should be helping them- but the dunba$$ is talking about HIMSELF.

  5. As a NY State employee, that is being affected by the Gov.'s refusal to find revenue in the state, instead cutting money from health care and education, found the skit hilarious and entertaining. I feel SNL was mocking his ability to run the state properly, and not his handicap.

  6. Patterson is running everybody out of NY. So far he is second worst politician I have ever seen operate. He's a joke. "Lets see how many taxes we can put into effect until we get linched, or until we can drive all the available businesses out of our state." I guess it's easy to destroy people and their way of life when you can't see their pain.


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