Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brandi's got a brand new bag!

Would you sit through the entire Radio City Christmas Spectacular just to get a free bag? Well, you're not Brandi. Check out the bag that she earned for suffering through 3 hours of Rockettes, Camels and Choirs.


  1. I would sit through the show for that bag as well! You go Brandi! KF

  2. I would sit in the bag for the show. It's true.

  3. cool bag! was the show that bad?????

  4. I would sit through a show for a NICE bag. Brandi, that is one ugly bag! But look on the bright side, you can now safely jog at night.

  5. Hey, did you say "free"?! I sat through that show and all I got was an hour and a half older!

  6. i hope u enjoyed the shoe Brandi but hunny i know u have better taste in accessories than that!!! even if its free it should have been given a fashion funeral long ago.

  7. Is that Bett Midler???


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