Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random 11 songs: Boris in college

I'm starting a new feature on the site called "Random 11 Songs". From time to time I'll post 11 songs that have some sort of theme. Today I was cleaning out some of my old cassette tapes from when I had a show at the Marist College radio station, WMCR. Looking at the playlist I realized that I was into some pretty lame stuff. And by lame, I mean awesome music that I'm embarrassed to say I still think is AWESOME. Here's a random sampling of 11. Don't judge me, it was 15 years ago.


  1. I'm not ashamed to say it. AWESOME!!!

  2. Speaking of random, was I the only one who was listening to spanish music on 92.7 this morning? Was it my antenna? Weird!

  3. Matthew Sweet's " Girlfriend " is better than a lot of stuff you play on Music All Morning.

    The rest ?


    Maybe you could do a " Classic Alternative Rock " show one morning...

    That would be cool

  4. I heard it too. The station wasn't coming in clear but it was definitely Spanish. Also, every once in awhile the station just goes dead for what seems like forever. You have to fix that. It's noticeable.


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