Last night's episode will have to hold us over for two weeks. That shouldn't be a problem, because there's A LOT to digest:
Who are Bram and Illana working for? I assumed they were sent to the island by Widmore... but since Bram kidnapped Miles last night and tried to convince him *not* to get on the freighter and work for Widmore, that can't be true. So, are they working for Ben (If so, they are doing a good job pretending not to know him) or are they working for some third party that likes to use cryptic riddles about statues and shadows?
So that's where the 3.2 million dollar figure came from! Miles was offered 1.6 million by Naomi to go to the island on Widmore's team. When kidnapped by Bram, he agreed to switch teams for double - 3.2 million. Now, let's go back to when we first meet Miles at the end of the last season. After being captured, he asks Ben for the same 3.2 million dollars in exchange for his safety and a promise to tell Widmore that Ben had died. There's got to be something more to Miles' apparent greed.
We all saw Dr. Pierre Chang as Miles' dad coming from a mile away. Pieces of the puzzle are coming together, but we still don't know how Chang lost his arm (in later orientation films, he's shown with a fake arm). My guess is that it gets ripped off during the construction of the Swan. There was a great underlying theme about fathers and sons in this episode. Miles and Dr. Chang, Ben's dad being distressed over his son, Hurley and his dad issues, Luke and Darth Vader... This all goes back to those issues between Jack and his Dad - which I think plays a big part in the story of the island.
Man, can Jack erase a blackboard quick! I was trying to get a glimpse of the Egyptian symbols that were being taught at the school, but after each cutaway another part of the board was already erased. I'll have to go back and watch that scene again in slow motion.
The Swan. We know there is a huge electromagnetic force that's being encased in the Swan. That's apparently how the Dharma worker that Miles transported died... the magnet ripped his filling out and shot it through his brain. Cool!
Welcome back, Daniel Faraday. What are he and the other scientists from Ann Arbour supposed to be doing there? Will Faraday play a big part in the construction of the Swan? We know he later poses as a construction worker at the Swan... could that be the key to getting everyone back in the correct time period?
As usual, we'll continue the discussion in the comments section below!