*Spoiler alert*Great episode last night!
Jin is alive! (I knew it)
That was Danielle and the French people on the boat (I knew it)
It was Ben who was trying to get Aaron (I knew it)
The losties will be visiting "themselves" this season (I knew it)
Here's what else I think I know: The longer you've been on the island, the longer it takes for you to feel the effects of the time jumps (bloody nose and headaches). So why did Miles take longer to feel the effects? Because he's been on the island! Could he be Dr. Candle's son that we saw in the season opener? OK, but why is Juliette getting a nose bleed before Locke or Sawyer? She's been on the island for three years. Were the guys somehow on the island before her and didn't know it? Or is it because Locke found his "constant" (Richard Alpert) and so did Sawyer (Kate)?
Also, I'm pretty sure that Faraday is Widmore's son. I also think that his mother is "Ellie" the blond "other" that had him at gunpoint last week. The time frame fits, and the fact that Faraday was staring at her strangely seems to back it up. I also think that "Ellie" grows up to be Ms. Eloise Hawking - the grey haired lady that has appeared in Desmond's flashes... and the lady who is now apparently working with Ben in LA. That means Desmond and Penny are on the way to see her... man is he gonna freak out when he finds out who she is!!! Of course, that's if my theory is correct.
Damn I love this show! What do you think? Comments below.