Wednesday, March 31, 2010
:30 Seconds To Mars cover Lady Gaga

Would you pay $1,625 for this shirt?

Lost: Yes, we know "V" is on next!
Anyway, let's talk about the other 90% of my TV screen last night. I wasn't looking forward to a Jin and Sun storyline. I think they're the two weakest characters... and I don't really care if they wind up being good or bad. As I said a few weeks ago, it's been kind of annoying with them running around complaining about how they want to find each other all the time... so I hoped that finally that storyline would be put to rest and they would be reunited. I was not so lucky.
Instead, we got a pretty cool sideways story. I actually like the two of them better when they're not married to each other. We got to see some Sun boobies, and Jin wasn't acting like an a-hole. Jin is working for Sun's father as a bodyguard for Sun. They're doin' it, which we all know is gonna get Sun's father pissed off. Sun's plan is still to run away, but with Jin. Of course, daddy already knows and is 3 steps ahead of them, walking Jin into a trap and closing Sun's secret runaway money account...
--DAMN!-- I wrote another 5 paragraphs recapping last night's show, and then they were lost when my computer decided to crap out this morning. Was it an accident, or the island telling me to get to the point?
I guess we don't really need to recap... You obviously saw the show or else you wouldn't be reading this. So here are the highlights:
- Good to see Mickhael again... I missed that one-eyed sonovabitch. This time he wasn't as hard to kill, however, an ironic gunshot to the eye did the trick... or did it?!??! OK, it probably did.
- Charles Widmore is a good guy! My theory was wrong about he and the Smoke Monster being on the same team. Widmore wants to keep the Smoke Monster bottled up on the island too. It will be interesting when Richard and the team on the beach meet up with him. They both have the same agenda, but Charles and Ben have an angry and violent past. Did Ben truly come to terms with the fact the he killed Alex by choosing the island over her? Or will he still hold a grudge against Charles for sending Keemy and his army to the island? And will Charles be pissed at Ben for banishing him from the island? I can picture an "I told you so" moment when Widmore tells Ben that none of this crap would have happened if he was allowed to stay.
- Sun loses her ability to speak English when she bumps her head? Lame and unnecessary.
- Time to gloat: The package on the sub wasn't a "what" but a "who", and that "who" was Desmond, as I predicted. How is Desmond important to keeping the Smoke Monster on the island? Is it Desmond's connection with time and the properties on the island? I guess we'll find out.
- I will now forever have nightmares about creepy Sayid staring at me in the dark while treading water.
- The most important thing I learned is that when your computer says that it wants to restart, do it before writing a long recap on Lost otherwise you'll probably lose most of it.
We're getting to a point where Lost is actually giving us more answers than questions. It's exciting and kind of sad at the same time. The end is almost here!
I'm sure I forgot some of what I wrote earlier this morning... Your thoughts?