Jack's appendix scar: We know in the island universe it was Juliette who took out Jack's appendix. Now, in the alternate universe we learn that Jack had his appendix out when he was a kid. Was he truly confused about this, and is his memory starting to meld with the on-island reality, or was him forgetting about the operation just a device for us to learn that he got his appendix taken out as a child/
Jack's son: Holy moley, he has a kid! Someone told me that the kid looked like Kate, and that they believe she's the mother. I doubt it. Jack didn't really recognize Kate on the plane when he saw her. You'd think she'd ask how the kid was or something. More likely, he and Sarah got married and then divorced just like in the other reality. Cooler theory: It's Juliette's!
The lighthouse: I was so excited when Jacob asked Hurley to point the dial to 108! You know, 108 is the sum total of all the "numbers". Aha! That must be Kate... pause DVR... who's "Wallace"? He's crossed out anyway... looks like Jacob was just using the lighthouse as a ploy to "push" Jack into doing what he has to do. Jury's still out on whether Jacob is really the good guy here... he seems to be pretty manipulative.
Why does Jack, a successful spinal surgeon, drive a piece of crap?
Jack's son is an accomplished pianist... just like Faraday wanted to be? Probably just a coincidence?
Crazy Claire - love her! You need to be bat s*** crazy to make a baby out of old bones and garbage. Why isn't she surprised Jin can speak English? And we now her "friend" is Smoke Monster Locke... She doesn't introduce him as Locke... does she only see him as the monster?
Ok, that's all I have this morning. More to come this afternoon... Sorry for the truncated thoughts, but snow closings trump my Lost obsession. Please fill in the gaps below in the comments section.
*ADDED 2/25*
I didn't want this buried in the comments section, so I'm adding it to the post. After speculation last week why Kate's name wasn't included on Jacob's list, I'm happy to say that Kate is still a candidate. A few listeners pointed me to this screenshot, that clearly shows Austen listed as #51 on Jacob's lighthouse wheel and her name is not crossed out... She's not one of "the numbers", but she is clearly still a candidate. This could be signicant, or a result of the writers coming up with 6 "numbers" and later deciding not to kill someone off, leaving 7 candidates.