Our friends, Sick Puppies, release their new album Tri-Polar on Tuesday the 14th. I highly suggest you pick up a copy. Not an iTunes download... but an actual copy! That's because your's truly was thanked in the liner notes. Yep... I'm a star-maker, folks. If it wasn't for me (and 500 other people listed) Sick Puppies just wouldn't be where they are today. Check out Sick Puppies at The Chance in Poubhkeepsie on August 5th and see what I have created.
Actually, the thanks is probably for helping them with this awesome video we made when they were in the studio:
A Russian woman has set a new world record, lifting a 14-kg. (31 pound!) glass ball with her vagina muscles. Tatiata Kozhevnikova of Novosibirsk, aged 42, has been exercising her intimate muscles for fifteen years, and has already made her entrance into the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the world’s strongest vagina. Congratulations, Tatiata! Now help me get the lid off this jar of peanut butter...
I spent yesterday afternoon watching all of the strange and bizarre happenings at the Michael Jackson memorial while discussing it live with the listeners on facebook and twitter. The strangest moment of all: Brooke Shields awkward speech? Those sequined gloves? John Mayer's sexy serenade to the coffin? Nope... it had to be Corey Feldman showing up dressed as Michael. Now, if he only performed that dance from "Dream A Little Dream" on stage...