We're starting to get some more clarity, albeit slowly, about who is on what team and what is really going on. Tonight it became quite evident that the Others actually ARE the good guys. It's getting too late in the game for another flip-flop on who's helping whom. The Others want to protect the island, they want to protect those who are on Jacob's list and they are scared to death of the smoke monster / man in black / claimer of dead people. This means that Ben, although a little twisted in his thinking, is also on the good guys' team. Everything he's been doing has been with good intentions.
We learned that Sayid is "infected" by the smoke monster, just like Claire. We can probably be pretty sure that Christian Shepard is also being controlled by the smoke monster, since he and Claire have been hanging at Jacob's old cabin before it was burned to the ground. Here's what confuses me, though: If the smoke monster supposedly "claims" the bodies of the dead, then what about John Locke's body? Locke's corpse is rotting on the beach while the monster walks around looking just like Locke. When Sayid died and came back to life, it was in the same body. Christian Shepard's coffin was empty and then was seen walking around the island; we can assume his body was claimed and came back to life. Claire was blown up by that explosion and then got right back up as Zombie Claire. Why wouldn't Locke's body be claimed?
While we're on it, the infection is different from the sickness, no? The sickness is caused from traveling to and from the island and a reaction to the shift in time. Desmond got the sickness, and was only cured after he found his constant. I assumed Rousseau's crew also had the sickness from traveling to the island. But, did they actually have the infection; being possessed by the smoke monster? Hmmmm.
I hope we don't keep getting snow storms every Wednesday after Lost. Gotta go read snow closings. Let's continue the conversation... as always, use the comments feature below to add your insight.