Thursday, March 19, 2009
Unfortunate Puzzle

Obama's NCAA bracket

Lost: Creepy kid Ben is back

Kudos and fish biscuits to everyone who thought that Horace and Amy's baby was Ethan. Juliette's reaction was great when she found out. "OK, I'm holding baby Ethan now, this is creepy, down you go!"
Jack, Hurley and Kate are safe... for now. That nosy Dharma check-in guy has his eye on Jack and knows something is up. Hopefully the level-headed Sawyer 2.0 will read some more books and figure out how to keep things calm before they are exposed. And I'm so glad someone finally put Jack in his place. Sawyer, er LaFleur, gave it to him good and Jack just stood there and took it in his little workman jumper.
OK, here's something that I noticed last night... and it seems to be causing a buzz with Lost fans this morning. Did you see the figure moving behind Christian in the burnt out Othersville? After Sun and Lapidus follow Christian inside and what looks like the smoke monster follows them through the door, you can see a figure standing behind Sun:

Is this supposed to be Claire? I know she's hangin' with her dad (my theory is she died in the explosion and is really dead now, just like Christian and Locke). Here's an enhanced photo:
It's not Claire. Is that a stage hand caught watching the show on a monitor? Or is it a Claire stand-in so they didn't have to pay the actress to be there on shooting day just to hover in the dark? Another Lost mystery... for now.
Creepy kid Ben is back. And unfortunately the actor seems to have gone through puberty. I guess we'll have to suspend some disbelief like we did with Walt and assume that Ben isn't rapidly aging or anything like that. Did he come on the same sub as Jack, Kate and Hurley supposedly did? Because he was so familiar with the guard, it looks as if he's been on the island for a while. I wonder if he's interacted with Sawyer, er LaFleur, and Juliette at all?
Gotta cut things short, the show is starting now... as usual, leave your comments below and we'll discuss this more.