The latest scandal has hit the fan. Everyone is horrified about Miley Cyrus' performance last night. Apparently she was pole dancing in front of her young teen fans.
Watch the video and judge for yourself if it was an actual pole dance... Trust me, I know one when I see one and I don't know if this qualifies: (You may want to turn the sound off)
Everyone remembers how similar "Wild Thing" and "Funky Cold Medina" sounded to each other... but did you ever realize that they are actually the SAME SONG? Here's a side-by-side comparison that will blow your mind. Bands like Everclear have been writing the same song over and over again for years... but I've never seen it done quite as blatantly as this.
Still don't believe it? Check out Tone Loc at the Mid Hudson Civic Center on September 12th and find out for yourself.