Thursday, May 14, 2009
Listener submission: Pee Kneeler
Posted by Boris at
7:18 AM

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Lost: Juliette go boom
Posted by Boris at
4:56 AM

Ok, toy airplane... Patsy Cline music... Kate! ding ding ding. Funeral scene... kid sitting by himself... must be Sawyer! ding ding ding. Jacob on a bench... by himself. Uhhhh.... Desmond? Buzzzzzzz. Thud goes the body... Locke!
I loved the Jacob flashbacks. We found out how Hurley got on the 2nd plane, and what he's doing carrying around that guitar case. We also found out that Jack is a lying jerk that isn't that brave at all. He told that story to Kate about the girl's spinal surgery to get laid. Who would have thought his daddy was the one that made him count to five and gave him the courage to finish the surgery?
So we first meet Jacob hanging out with his mysterious friend on the island. They're waiting for, what I assume is, The Black Rock to come ashore. So what's the deal with these guys? Well, one is dressed in white, the other in black. This goes back to Locke's backgammon game on the beach with Walt. There are two sides... one is light and one is dark. This is a theme that has been running throughout the series. Remember the dead bodies found in the cave with the white and black stones? So, is the dude in black evil and Jacob is good? Why is this guy looking for some loophole to try and kill Jacob? I think that everyone assumed Jacob lived in the cabin, but it was actually the other dude. Perhaps Jacob banished him there and surrounded him with ash so he wouldn't figure out that loophole and kill him.
What lies in the shadow of the statue? "Nomum Blabum Blablahorum", of course. Does anyone speak Latin? I took 3 years in high school and all I can say is farmer (agricola). Ricardus speaks Latin, of course... all of the others do! I had to use the internet (Mrs. Robinson, my Latin teacher , I am sorry) and the rough translation is: "He who protects us." I assume they are talking about Jacob.
So it was Locke in the box that Jacob's buddies were carrying all this time? Did anyone see that one coming? As the camera peered over the side of the open box I thought to myself "Hey, this is just like the final scene last season, where the camera peered over the side of the casket and Locke was insi... Whaaaa?" So Locke is dead, and the dude in black is pretending to be Locke. Does that mean that Christian Shepard is also that dude? The man in black jumps into whatever dead body he can find? So why was Claire and Christian hanging together? Sorry, way too many questions that there's just no answer to yet.
Random observations:
Rose and Bernard rock. Juliette has some boobies on her. Now we know how Dr. Candle / Waxman lost his hand. Jack has a mean left hook. Jacob didn't kill Nadia, he saved Sayid. The statue is a crocodile? People I was watching with think Juliette is pregnant because she was holding her tummy while talking to Bernard. In the first scene Jacob was eating... a red herring!
So, did setting off the nuke work? We don't really have any proof of that. When shown the photo of Jack and company in the Dharma Initiative, Richard Alpert said that he knew them... and he saw them die. If Richard was there for the explosion we could assume since he survived, so did the rest of the gang. Unfortunately, Richard dragged Ellie away to the underground bunker way before the nuke went off, so the fact that he's alive doesn't prove squat. Here's what I Twittered right before the show started last night:
Making my Lost finale prediction now: Last scene will be Oceanic 815 landing safely at LAX.
I still think that would have been a great ending... I'm still holding out that my prediction will be the first scene next season. How cool would it be if the lost gang lands, not knowing each other. The island will course correct, and they will eventually all meet and somehow get back... and when they finally crash again, they will be thrown back to the very first season of the episode to do it all over again... Ok, maybe not.
I guess I'll be going to bed early on Wednesdays now until Big Brother starts up. See ya!
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