**New posts for Friday are below this one - come on, do you think we'd bury this on the 2nd page after just one day?**
The Times Herald Record put together an amazing shrine to the Hudson Valley Radio Legend that is now up on their website and in today's paper. See photos from the past 15 years, read Boris' top 10 memories, share your own photos and memories, hear stories from Simon, Shmonty, Brandi and others...
This is the new video from Lady Gaga that a listener sent me this morning. It's for her song "Telephone" and features Beyonce.
Tell me that this isn't the greatest music video since Thriller:
*NSFW - Almost nudity and some bad language*
Some of the weirdest parts of the video - 1:00 Gaga gets her clothes ripped off by the prison guards 1:50 Gaga makes out with a chick wearing glasses made of cigarettes 2:27 Gaga is wearing Diet Coke cans in her hair 4:33 Gaga does some weird dance move as she escapes the prison 5:02 Beyonce feeds Gaga a hot pocket And it just gets stranger from there!
Plus, don't miss the blatant product placement, here are the ones we counted: - Virgin Mobile cell phone - Diet Coke can hair curlers - Polaroid camera - Wonderbread - Miracle Whip - Honey Bun pastry - PlentyofFish.com dating website - The Pussywagon truck from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill movies.
I'm not a Gaga fan... but this video is the greatest thing ever produced!
What's worse than getting carjacked, raped and murdered? Apparently technical difficulties that make you have to look at your note pad while doing a live shot. Wait through the video to see the reporter throw a hissy fit:
This is archetect Bryan Berg next to his world-record-breaking house of cards: a replica of The Venetian Macau. It took him 44 days and 218,792 individual playing cards to complete. How awesome would it be if Tiger came running into the room and knocked the whole thing down?