So Faraday is the son of Eloise Hawking and Charles
Widmore (
I called that in February). That means that he and Penny are at least half siblings. Remember, Ben banished Charles from the island because he was carrying on a relationship off of the island.
What a sad story for Faraday. He is raised by his mother to be a brilliant scientist because she knows that he must go to the island... so she can kill him! Eloise knows Faraday's destiny. She remembers being on the island in the 70's and shooting him. After Faraday dies, the events that follow must be so important that she spends the rest of her life making sure that Faraday goes to the island to die. This is the "sacrifice" she talks about after slapping daddy
Widmore. It also explains why she is so cold to him and why she discourages him from playing the piano... she doesn't want to get attached to Faraday because it is too painful for her.
The @#$% is going down at camp
Dharma. Everything is getting unraveled and the only way to get out of this mess is for everyone to return to their proper time. I believe that Jack and Kate will take Faraday's book of instructions and, possibly with Ellie's help, straighten out time (using the hydrogen bomb!). After the gang zaps back in time, the Others will probably step up their plans for "The Purge".
From all of the chatter this week, I was expecting that some huge things were going to be revealed in this week's episode. I wasn't blown away... but I suspect lots of what happened last night is laying the groundwork for the end of the season and what will ultimately be the direction of the end of the series.
Favorite moments from last night: Faraday
outing Miles as Chang's son. Sawyer calling Faraday "twitchy".
As always... let's continue the conversation in the comments section below...