What a sad story for Faraday. He is raised by his mother to be a brilliant scientist because she knows that he must go to the island... so she can kill him! Eloise knows Faraday's destiny. She remembers being on the island in the 70's and shooting him. After Faraday dies, the events that follow must be so important that she spends the rest of her life making sure that Faraday goes to the island to die. This is the "sacrifice" she talks about after slapping daddy Widmore. It also explains why she is so cold to him and why she discourages him from playing the piano... she doesn't want to get attached to Faraday because it is too painful for her.
The @#$% is going down at camp Dharma. Everything is getting unraveled and the only way to get out of this mess is for everyone to return to their proper time. I believe that Jack and Kate will take Faraday's book of instructions and, possibly with Ellie's help, straighten out time (using the hydrogen bomb!). After the gang zaps back in time, the Others will probably step up their plans for "The Purge".
From all of the chatter this week, I was expecting that some huge things were going to be revealed in this week's episode. I wasn't blown away... but I suspect lots of what happened last night is laying the groundwork for the end of the season and what will ultimately be the direction of the end of the series.
Favorite moments from last night: Faraday outing Miles as Chang's son. Sawyer calling Faraday "twitchy".
As always... let's continue the conversation in the comments section below...
Did anyone else notice when Daniel was flipping through his journal that there was a page missing? You could see that there was a piece of page there so that you would notice that something was missing. Will this missing page throw everything off?
ReplyDeleteWhere is baby/child Daniel during all of this? He is old enough that he exists in the 70's. So where is he?
He had to have gotten stupid after he did the experiment on himself or he wouldn't have done it to his girlfriend (who looks a lot like Charlotte). So how did he get stupid?
ReplyDeleteHis mother made him focus on work one, so noone else would have to be hurt by him dying and two, he has to do what he did so that Jack and them will do what they do next week. Time has a way of course correcting, remember.
Whatever happened, happened. He said people were the variable and things can be changed, but we learned from Desmond and Charlie, that's not entirely true. People can change how things happen, but they still happen (ie Charlie dying all different ways until the final way, which had to happen in order for all the new stuff to happen, so he was always meant to die that way, which means people can't really alter things after all... I'm getting a headache. :-)
They can't use the hydrogen bomb, it'll take out most of the island. Something else has to happen that causes things to happen the way they happened.
my guess for the series finale will be that the oceanic group is on their original flight while at the same time jack & company try to "fix"things. The suspense will be will the plane crash again or will it arrive safely in L.A. with noone having a clue what they just avoided or having any association or relationships with the rest of the passengers (that tbey devleoped on the island)
ReplyDeletesidebar: why does the island turn so many people into jerks and murderers?
I want to know what lies in the shadows behind the statue. Why tease the watchers with it and say nothing about it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's just a password to see who is in some "inner circle of trust."
ReplyDelete"Why tease the watchers with it and say nothing about it" Wow. Have you ever watched Lost before? That's what the whole show is built on lol.
ReplyDeleteOk. Cool things.
Eloise Hawking convinces Jack and co. to return to the island so they can help Faraday reach Alpert, and get killed by young Eloise. Wow. Basically, she insures that Faraday's plan will fail, and the island will not be destroyed by the hydrogen bomb.
Faraday said something interesting, no one here seemed to catch it. When asked what he was doing talking to Dr. Chang, he said "Making sure he's going to do what he's supposed to". Most likely sending his wife and baby miles off the island to protect them- and also allowing other people off the island, (like Charlotte).
I like 'Anonynmous' idea that the season finale will be the crew of the 815 landing safely in LA. I was actually thinking about this last night while watching the episode. This, however, would ROYALLY screw over Desmond, and that would suck. I hope the writers don't do this- as it would screw everyone on the plane over- Almost everyone who made it to the island, even the ones who died, ended up better for it (except maybe Frogurt.)
Has anyone played the Lost video game for the 360? The ending of it was quite interesting, and dealt with time travel.