The official Death Pool for 2010 has been posted. After doing the pool for 10 years or so, we decided to stop last year. Of course, last year became the busiest year of celebrity deaths in recent memory. Because of this, we've decided to bring it back. Brandi and I will be competing against two of our long-time listeners, One-A-Day and Obsessive Rob. These guys have a great record of calling celebrity deaths, so wish us (and the celebrities on their lists) luck!
Some idiot walked out of the TSA screening area the wrong way, so the whole airport had to be evacuated. Get used to it, folks... until we get those machines that can look at your genitals this scene is going to keep happening.
If you weren't watching Dick Clark screw up the countdown this year, perhaps you tuned in to CNN to see Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin live in Times Square for New Year's Eve.
Last year, Kathy got in trouble because she told a heckler live on the air to leave her alone because she doesn't "go down to your job and knock the d*** out of your mouth". This year, she kicked it up a notch and went with the F-Word:
I've talked about this on the air before, but now here's more proof that Dick Clark is an ass. Yes, it's sad that he had a stroke and I'm deeply impressed at his amazing career and his contributons to the world of broadcasting. However... what kind of narcissistic ego-maniac decides that he's soooo important that people want to hear him grunting through the New Year's Eve countdown like Frankenstein's monster each year? Listen, I'm in broadcasting and if I have a stroke that impairs my speech I'm not going to subject radio listeners to that every morning. No one wants to hear that more than we want to watch the elephant man deliver the news. Yeah, it sucks... but that's the way broadcasting works. If a sportscaster goes blind, he's not gonna call play-by-play anymore! It's not like Dick Clark is imparting some great knowledge or insight that only he can deliver... he's counting down freakin' numbers! I think Ryan Seacrest or some other boob can handle that without screwing it up like Dick did this year. Seriously, Dick Clark, just because you own the production company doesn't mean you can sit there and ruin New Year's for us losers who sit at home and watch the stupid ball drop every year. Screw you. Take your millions of dollars and retire. If you need to remain in the spotlight go on Twitter or find some other way to contribute.
This girl shows how to apply makeup to look just like one of the Navi from Avatar. Something tells me that she's going to have a tough time finding one of those flying dragons that will agree to transport her all over Pandora.