Ok, toy airplane... Patsy Cline music... Kate! ding ding ding. Funeral scene... kid sitting by himself... must be Sawyer! ding ding ding. Jacob on a bench... by himself. Uhhhh.... Desmond? Buzzzzzzz. Thud goes the body... Locke!
I loved the Jacob flashbacks. We found out how Hurley got on the 2nd plane, and what he's doing carrying around that guitar case. We also found out that Jack is a lying jerk that isn't that brave at all. He told that story to Kate about the girl's spinal surgery to get laid. Who would have thought his daddy was the one that made him count to five and gave him the courage to finish the surgery?
So we first meet Jacob hanging out with his mysterious friend on the island. They're waiting for, what I assume is, The Black Rock to come ashore. So what's the deal with these guys? Well, one is dressed in white, the other in black. This goes back to Locke's backgammon game on the beach with Walt. There are two sides... one is light and one is dark. This is a theme that has been running throughout the series. Remember the dead bodies found in the cave with the white and black stones? So, is the dude in black evil and Jacob is good? Why is this guy looking for some loophole to try and kill Jacob? I think that everyone assumed Jacob lived in the cabin, but it was actually the other dude. Perhaps Jacob banished him there and surrounded him with ash so he wouldn't figure out that loophole and kill him.
What lies in the shadow of the statue? "Nomum Blabum Blablahorum", of course. Does anyone speak Latin? I took 3 years in high school and all I can say is farmer (agricola). Ricardus speaks Latin, of course... all of the others do! I had to use the internet (Mrs. Robinson, my Latin teacher , I am sorry) and the rough translation is: "He who protects us." I assume they are talking about Jacob.
So it was Locke in the box that Jacob's buddies were carrying all this time? Did anyone see that one coming? As the camera peered over the side of the open box I thought to myself "Hey, this is just like the final scene last season, where the camera peered over the side of the casket and Locke was insi... Whaaaa?" So Locke is dead, and the dude in black is pretending to be Locke. Does that mean that Christian Shepard is also that dude? The man in black jumps into whatever dead body he can find? So why was Claire and Christian hanging together? Sorry, way too many questions that there's just no answer to yet.
Random observations:
Rose and Bernard rock. Juliette has some boobies on her. Now we know how Dr. Candle / Waxman lost his hand. Jack has a mean left hook. Jacob didn't kill Nadia, he saved Sayid. The statue is a crocodile? People I was watching with think Juliette is pregnant because she was holding her tummy while talking to Bernard. In the first scene Jacob was eating... a red herring!
So, did setting off the nuke work? We don't really have any proof of that. When shown the photo of Jack and company in the Dharma Initiative, Richard Alpert said that he knew them... and he saw them die. If Richard was there for the explosion we could assume since he survived, so did the rest of the gang. Unfortunately, Richard dragged Ellie away to the underground bunker way before the nuke went off, so the fact that he's alive doesn't prove squat. Here's what I Twittered right before the show started last night:
Making my Lost finale prediction now: Last scene will be Oceanic 815 landing safely at LAX.
I still think that would have been a great ending... I'm still holding out that my prediction will be the first scene next season. How cool would it be if the lost gang lands, not knowing each other. The island will course correct, and they will eventually all meet and somehow get back... and when they finally crash again, they will be thrown back to the very first season of the episode to do it all over again... Ok, maybe not.
I guess I'll be going to bed early on Wednesdays now until Big Brother starts up. See ya!
How do you know the dude in black is pretending to be Locke?
ReplyDeleteKarl, I believe Jacob mentioned that loophole when confronted by "Locke" underneath the statue.
ReplyDeleteCrazy finale. I have to gather my thoughts, but I believe the literal translation for the Latin is "He who will save us all".
ReplyDeleteOk. Gathered up some thoughts.
ReplyDeleteRest in Peace, Juliette, I will miss your cleavage. How could you only now be realizing now that Juliette has boobies? Go back and watch the episode where she has the affair. I will never forget that black bikini.
The red herring may mean something- however the red herring may be a red herring designed to make us think something is not important.
"Everything That Rises Must Converge". The book that Jacob was reading when Locke plumetted out of the window. The title alone has meaning to the story, obviously the Losties are chosen to rise above the rest, and eventually make it to the Island. In addition, one of the stories in this collection is about an intellectual son who is guided by the voice of his dead father. Hmmm.
VERY heavy religious overtones this episode. Jacob/God and the dude in the black/satan. Ben does Jacob's will for years without ever having any proof of his existance, and then pulls a Judas on him. Funny enough, my girlfriend called Locke "Moses" right before Ben referred to him as such.
So- who is the blackshirt guy? I think for sure he was Christian Shephard- but it would seem that when blackshirt takes the form of someone else, he actually merges with them- that's how he knew everything Locke knew, and why he wanted to spend time with Claire. Could he also be the smoke monster?
Is that how he was able to fool Ben into doing his dirty work for him?
If Jacob's people were looking for Jacob, why did they originally go to the Cabin? Didn't Ben say something about Jacob not liking technology when he took Locke to the cabin? Perhaps because the thing he thought was Jacob was actually darkshirt, and since darkshirt was a 'pirate' he feared technology? Who then, said "help me" to Locke?
It would almost seem, then, that Jacob and darkshirt have this huge chess match going, each of them choosing people to help them. Jacob made physical contact with each of the Losties, and even (so it seemed) brought Locke back to life after his fall. (Jack was even going for an Apollo bar!). So- perhaps the different leaders were chosen by Jacob and the darkshirt, each to see who would 'win' in the end? Richard may be just some kind of 'referee' in the whole contest, which is why he helps whoever. Ben was darkshirt's man- only he didn't know it- maybe widmore and Eloise did?
I don't know what to say about the finale. Lost giveth, and Lost taketh away. At least the ratio of new questions to answers is better. In the beginning, it was all questions, no answers. I am anxious for the finale, but will be sad to see this show end.
Oh- Sawyer crying? Priceless. He's gonna kill Jack. Speaking of killing- the Losties are taking murder quite lightly lately!
I think that the black shirt guy is the 'smoke monster' who takes the form of whomever it needs to in order to keep the island on course. It was Christian as well as Locke and Alex. It took the form of Alex to tell Ben to listen to Locke (who is really the same character)!
ReplyDeleteIt seemed like Jacob brought people to the island as a way for them to atone. Little Kate said she'd never steal again - that was a lie. Little Sawyer said he wouldn't finish his letter and pursue the guy who caused his parents' demise - that was a lie. Sayid was once a torturer and after Nadia's death, he was a hit man. That's funny - I didn't see it as Jacob saving Sayid.
ReplyDeleteThe loophole? At first I thought Jacob meant that Locke found a loophole to be alive - some weird time travel thing - I didn't even think of the mysterious guy from the first scene as a body snatcher.
The statue: http://tawaret.com/ Was the translation of Ricardo's response definitely "HE" blah blah blah? Maybe the statue was the protector and once it was destroyed, it didn't work. Now, how did it get destroyed? By a bomb, perhaps?
Black shirt is the one that was trapped in the cabin. They showed the line of ash broken and that told them he was gone. Black shirt is the smoke monster.
ReplyDeleteIn the first or second season Locke was taken by what we thought was the smoke monster, but he said he just saw a bright light. I think this was Jacob.
Juliette set off a H-bomb on top of the unstable matter (or whatever they call it). Desmond was right on top of it when he turned the failsafe key and blew the hatch and that sent him jumping through time for a while until he ended up back in the jungle. My point is, how do we know Juliette is dead. They ended with an eye like the first scene of the pilot started.
I don't think they will land in LAX just because they haven't been able to get everyone back.
Cynthia Watros is busy with other stuff and they decided not to finish up Libby's story and how she ended up in the nut house.
I think that the guy from the beginning that was like to Jacob "You don't know how much I want to kill you" is the John Locke that is alive. Why would the actual John Locke want Jacob dead. Also, is Juliette really dead. Since the bomb blew up, that could meant that none of that ever happened and Juliette is still alive. Oh well, I am so mad we have to wait until next year for the last season. :(