We're starting to get some more clarity, albeit slowly, about who is on what team and what is really going on. Tonight it became quite evident that the Others actually ARE the good guys. It's getting too late in the game for another flip-flop on who's helping whom. The Others want to protect the island, they want to protect those who are on Jacob's list and they are scared to death of the smoke monster / man in black / claimer of dead people. This means that Ben, although a little twisted in his thinking, is also on the good guys' team. Everything he's been doing has been with good intentions.
We learned that Sayid is "infected" by the smoke monster, just like Claire. We can probably be pretty sure that Christian Shepard is also being controlled by the smoke monster, since he and Claire have been hanging at Jacob's old cabin before it was burned to the ground. Here's what confuses me, though: If the smoke monster supposedly "claims" the bodies of the dead, then what about John Locke's body? Locke's corpse is rotting on the beach while the monster walks around looking just like Locke. When Sayid died and came back to life, it was in the same body. Christian Shepard's coffin was empty and then was seen walking around the island; we can assume his body was claimed and came back to life. Claire was blown up by that explosion and then got right back up as Zombie Claire. Why wouldn't Locke's body be claimed?
While we're on it, the infection is different from the sickness, no? The sickness is caused from traveling to and from the island and a reaction to the shift in time. Desmond got the sickness, and was only cured after he found his constant. I assumed Rousseau's crew also had the sickness from traveling to the island. But, did they actually have the infection; being possessed by the smoke monster? Hmmmm.
I hope we don't keep getting snow storms every Wednesday after Lost. Gotta go read snow closings. Let's continue the conversation... as always, use the comments feature below to add your insight.
Maybe Claire and Shepard were not taken over by smoke monsters like Locke is, they are back to life like Sayid is, so they need their body. But Locke's body was not actually needed, but was used b/c he had to become someone that everyone trusted. Also the body was needed to prove that is wasn't actually him anymore.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't even touch on the Ethan/Doctor sticking Claire with needles, again. Is it possbile that he did the same thing on the island as he did last night, give her something so that she doesn't go into early labor. Or was it something else.
I think next week will possibly Hurley and Sawyer, and Sawyer is trying to take advantage of Hurley as implied on the plane.
We will be seeing how everyones lives were meant to cross and that no matter what they are meant to know each other. As well as the differences that were caused by the bomb working.
When did Claire get blown up? I don't remember that. Which explosion?
ReplyDeleteI thought she walked off into the jungle and left Aaron one morning before the losties woke up.
Donna, When the soldiers from the freighter came to the island and attacked everyone, Claire's Dharmaville house was blown up with her inside. She appeared to be alive after that, but we later learned (or were made to assume) that she actually died in the explosion and then became the walking dead like her father, Christian.
ReplyDeleteThe monster takes over still living (but barely) bodies and infects them until the original owner is sort of pushed out. But Locke was dead as a doornail so it can only do an impression of him. So smoke-locke is merely an apparition whereas sayid and claire are flesh and blood.
ReplyDeleteHow's this for a theory. Aaron grows up to be "Jacob". Born on the island, blond hair, seems to be very important. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteCant you see what is really going on here. we are being set up for a bad locke/good locke showdown.Jacob visited that women (forgot her name) in the hospital and told her he needs her help. she was supposed to get locke's body so that Jacob could take it over, the same way as the man in black had. I think Jacob ndew what the plan was the whole time since he had very little reaction toward ben. Hence seeting up the final battle between good and evil.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.
ReplyDeleteYou should have watched the producers on Jimmy Kimmel last Tuesday. They said its not Jacob or the smoke monster/man in black in Sayid. It's also not Sayid. When he comes back he says "What happened?" and he says it without an accent. I think that was planned. Jacob said "They're coming." The man in black and Jacob already had bodies, so the man in black just made his look like Locke. I think the rest of the walking dead are other beings similar to Jacob and the man in black. Remember Christian and Claire all chummy in Jacob's cabin. I need to re-watch the episode to see if there is ash around the cabin still or not, to know if they are on Jacob's side or the man in black's.
Rousseau's crew was totally infected by the smoke monster. Re-watch the episode. It was when they were jumping in time and Jin came across them.
As for Claire trusting Kate, there has been some bleeding over of the 2 worlds already. The red spot on Jack's neck on the plane and Juliet knowing it worked. Christian's body and Locke's knives disappear from the flight. I think the knives (or at least one) was made out of a metal that could kill Jacob. The bullets bounce off the man in black (Essau). A knife shouldn't have killed Jacob unless it was special.
I'm surprised nobody is talking about how the island ended up under water and the Dharma shark that swam by. Plus, where's Jacob in the alternate world? If the island is at the bottom of the ocean, can he still be on it? Does the island still move? If so, is it always under water?
ReplyDeleteGreat rundown as usual. Last night episode, as I assume next week's episode are really to draw the lines between the two opposing sides before the story moves to it's closure. I don't have much energy today for the mind twisting predictions... although I'll add some tidbits that were missed. The Deja Vu looks and glances from Kate... #1-first seeing Jack at the airport, while car-jacking the cab. #2- when Kate first hears Aaron's name. It's as if those alternative reality personas are still connected to each other's past.
Also wanted to add that Sayid was tortured by Rousseau in the first season much in the same way he was tortured by Dogan in last night's episode.
The thing I really love about this show is how they constantly fold over previous events from the first couple of seasons into brand new storylines.
I can't post the pic here, but when they show the close up of Claire's ultrasound the date is 10-22-2004, a full month after the plane crashed in the "Lostie Island" timeline.
ReplyDeleteWhat is also weird, on 10-22-04 is the episode where Charlie shoots Ethan.