As I said last week, Ben needed to be shot by Sayid. This way, he could be brought to Richard Alpert to be "reborn". Remember back a few seasons Ben claimed to be born on the island. We later found out he was actually born in Portland and just assumed he was a liar. Now we know he was really telling the truth. And we now know why he was able to kill his father and wipe out the Dharma Initiative; because when you're re-born you lose your innocence and aren't quite the same (much like Pet Cemetery). I'm guessing that this is what also happened to Claire, Christian Shepard and Locke. The smoke monster that lives in that creepy temple has something to do with giving life and taking it away.
Quick observations and 1 awesome new theory:
1 - Wouldn't it be creepy if Kate and Ben's dad got together? I don't think it'll happen, but there seemed to be some chemistry there.
2 - Kate's motivation to come back to the island finally makes sense; she wants to bring back Claire. It looks like Sawyer and Juliette are going to stay together and somehow Kate and Jack will get back together once Jack gets off his period.
3 - Am I the only one who thought for a second that Claire was kidnapping Aaron at the supermarket? The fact that she looked like Claire made Kate realize that she's got to reunite Aaron and his real mom.
4 - So Richard is running things for the Others along with Ellie and Charles Widmore. It also seems like there is a bit of a power struggle there. Richard claims he doesn't answer to them. I wonder if we'll see young Penny and Faraday playing out in the jungle with mom and dad?
5 - Why is no one questioning why the mechanic lady is operating on a little boy?
6 - And finally, I'm making a bold prediction: The Dharma doctor is Christian Shepard! He's out at the Looking Glass station all week and can't make it back to operate on a kid? That explains why he was reborn when he returned to the island in a casket (just like Locke). Jack's gonna freak when his dad shows up!
#5 - That's what confused the heck out of me. I thought for sure that Jack would operate on Ben and save him, thus setting up for why Ben trusted Jack to remove the tumor on his spine in the future. And if Jack did this, it would have blown their cover. Didn't expect it to be Juliette! But nonetheless, their cover should be blown. Strange.......
ReplyDeleteKarl, I have to watch the episode again, but I think that Richard explained that Ben won't remember anything that happened after he's reborn. So that could explain why he doesn't know Sayid shot him when he meets him in the future, and why it doesn't matter that Jack didn't operate on him. I think Ben just lucked out that there was a spinal surgeon on the plane and it happened to be Jack. The island must have needed the two of them to meet, so that's why Ben got the tumor in his spine to begin with, and why Jack was on the plane that crashed.
ReplyDeleteThe conversation between Hurley and Miles also seemed to indicate (at least to me) that we might see one of the major characters die this season. Miles said that the "past" is technically the present since time is no longer a straight line for them. So the "future" is not determined for those who came back to the island and for those who went through the time shifts. So when Miles emphasized that they can die the writers may have put that line in there for a reason.
ReplyDeleteSam, the actress that plays Juliette just signed a contract to star in a new ABC show next year. Hmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteOk, this may be a stupid question,(and it has nothing to do with last nights epsiode) but it's be bothering me and I can't find any info on it anywhere (which should probably give me a hint)...anyway, is it at all possible that Rasinsky (the architect) is the same crazy guy with "the numbers" in the crazy house with Hurley??
ReplyDeletebeuneeq: Funny, I thought that too... so I had to go back and watch that episode. It's a totally different actor. The guy in the institution playing Connect Four is named Leonard Simms. He was in the Navy with Sam Toomey where they monitored radio transmissions and heard the numbers.
ReplyDeleteNot that it involves last nights episode but does the time line for Rousseau add up? What year did Jin meet up with her and her shipmates? What happened to her baby? It cant be the girl Ben claims is his because of the age difference.(unless the time juumping comes into play)
ReplyDeleteI like your outlook on the whole "rebirth" thing, and it's interesting to think that perhaps Christian is the Dharma Doctor.
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of quick observations...
Jack is becoming a believer. Jack is moving away from being a man of science, and becoming a man of faith.
I missed the names spouted off by the Other to Alpert- but it was "Ellie and Charles"? Again- makes sense why Alpert plays second fiddle to Ben in the future- Alpert is the true power and caretaker of the island, and a guiding force for leaders.
Had to watch the explination of time travel again, but it makes sense. It's a great take on things- it's their present, but everyone else's past. Cool.
Back to Ben. Ben's comment on the Ajira flight to Jack:
Jack:"How can you read?"
Ben: "My mother tought me"
NOW IT MAKES SENSE! I wonder who gets to be the lucky parents? Could it be Ellie and Charles? Are Penny, Faraday, and Ben all some weird siblings?
It's nice to finally start getting answers to the LOST questions 4 seasons in the making...
Another thing I thought was interesting..... Jack decides to let young Ben die by not operating on him, presumably (in Jack's mind) to not let Ben become the evil Ben of the "future." However, by NOT operating on him, he forces Juliette to give Ben to the others, which is in fact the very event that creates the evil Ben of the future!
ReplyDeletePlease delete the previous post that I submitted- it was under the email address of someone else using this 'puter...
ReplyDeleteMike- you mentioned that Danielle's daughter isn't Alex. It is. When Jin met Danielle, it was after his present with the Dharma initiative.
Karl- awesome observation- I thought the same thing as I watched last night. JACK MAKES BEN! Poor Jack. He always tries to do the right thing, and always fouls it up!
Boris: Since you have the episodes on DVD, can you bring up the scene where Locke is shot and left in the pile of Dharma bodies? Perhaps we will see a name that is familiar on one of the corpse's jump suits!
What I didnt understand was Sawyer telling Kate to take care of his daughter, didnt he cheat his way out of prison by scamming the crook he met there, then put the cash he got into an account for clementine? Also Kate says when they got off the island they got a big settlement from the airline, I can see Sawyer assuming they would get some cash but would he also assume Kate would just give it to his illegitimate child?
ReplyDeleteIf becoming reborn on the island causes you to lose your innocence, I wonder how John Locke will be acting from now on. Will he be as "evil" as Ben Linus? If Christian Shepherd was also reborn, perhaps John will just be cryptic.
ReplyDeleteAn aside, has anyone noticed that Christian never physically interacts with anything. For example, he couldn't help John get up when he fell in the well. It made me think that he was a ghost, but the rebirth makes more sense at this point.