Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hail to the Chia!

Drunk teacher dances for students

PETA kills animals too? There's no hope for fluffy.

Apparently,PETA's too busy throwing blood at Olsen twins to help find homes for fluffy.
Legless Rapper
**Over 18 only - The video contains lots of F-words, drug use and legless dancing. Don't watch it at work (or watch it at work with the sound down).**

Monday, March 30, 2009
Video of the week

Madonna without Photoshop is scary

Another hero falls: ShamWow guy.

And for your viewing pleasure, the ShamWow informercial in Espanol. How do you say "These things don't really absorb 2 liters of soda, I want my money back!" in Spanish?:

Friday, March 27, 2009
Top 5 moments on "The Price Is Right"

Girl faints during live TV interview

"Three Stooges" movie announced!

Full story

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Squirrel Threesome

Where The Wild Things Are movie trailer

Lost: The sugar cube of truth!

Here's some random thoughts from last night's episode:
1 - Little kid Ben is not dead. Either Jin wakes up and brings him back to camp where Jack saves his life (blowing their cover and moving the story along) OR Richard Alpert comes along and works some magic on him OR he just magically heals like Locke did when he was shot by Ben. As per the "rules" of time travel that were laid out by Faraday (and the producers over and over again) the future cannot be changed. Ben is alive in the future, so he can't be dead in the past.
2 - I think Ben had to be shot. Remember, the past can't be changed, so everything that happens is supposed to happen. The island wouldn't have allowed Sayid to shoot Ben if it wasn't supposed to already happen. This shooting could explain how Ben becomes the leader of the Others. Locke was told that he had to kill his father and then die and ressurect in order to return to the island. We know that Ben also must kill his father, and perhaps being shot and rising from the dead is what makes him one with the islanders.
3 - Those Dharma people are adorable. Just when you think they're gonna cut off Sayid's fingers, they gently remove his restraints. And when you expect the creepy dude in the tent (one of the "Darryls" from Newhart!) to shove bamboo stakes under Sayid's fingernails they give him the sugar cube of truth. I wonder how they were planning on killing him - tickling him to death?
4 - The list. Remember the list of "special" people that Ben sent Michael to bring to the Other's camp at the end of season 2? It was Kate, Sawyer, Jack and Hurley. Are they special because they were the only ones on the second plane that were flashed back in time? Yes, there's also Jin and Sayid... but Ben probably knows that Jin doesn't speak english yet and that Sayid would follow along anyway (which he did). Could these people have been chosen because they were the ones that Ben "remembers" from the 70's?
5 - Lafleur and Juliette. Come one, do you really expect to live together forever in harmony at Dharmaville? You KNOW everyone dies in the purge. Suck it up and get with the program!
6 - "A 12 year old Ben Linus brought me a chicken salad sandwich, how do you think I'm doing?"
That is all for now... let's continue the discussion in the comments section below.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Listener Submission: Cigarette Mash
Thanks for the great show every morning!
(NOTE - The Cigarette Mash starts at 1:04)

Kid draws obscene picture on his parents' roof

Kid harpist plays Star Wars cantina theme

E.T. found in Berkeley Heights
Link to the E.T. story

Aftermath of the Lance Armstrong bike crash

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Product of the week: Poo Trap

Jessica Biel making love to a potato chip

Monday, March 23, 2009
Video of the day: Girl hits bird and freaks out!
Ashton Kutcher Tweets Demi's Ass
Here are the photos he posted:watching my wife steam my suit while wearing a bikini. I love God!
9:43 AM Mar 21st from TweetDeck
I'm not wearing the bikini she is that's what makes it so glorious
9:46 AM Mar 21st from TweetDeck
shhh don't tell wifey http://twitpic.com/2bj58
10:11 AM Mar 21st from TweetDeck

Google Maps takes down photo of drunk Brits

Don't open the door, Mom, I'm "Stuffing A Bear"!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Broadcasting from the Orange County Choppers studio

My latest obsession: Muggn


Underwater Volcano

Charles Manson's makeover
Awww look, old man Manson is stabbing the cat, isn't that cute?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Unfortunate Puzzle

Obama's NCAA bracket

Lost: Creepy kid Ben is back

Kudos and fish biscuits to everyone who thought that Horace and Amy's baby was Ethan. Juliette's reaction was great when she found out. "OK, I'm holding baby Ethan now, this is creepy, down you go!"
Jack, Hurley and Kate are safe... for now. That nosy Dharma check-in guy has his eye on Jack and knows something is up. Hopefully the level-headed Sawyer 2.0 will read some more books and figure out how to keep things calm before they are exposed. And I'm so glad someone finally put Jack in his place. Sawyer, er LaFleur, gave it to him good and Jack just stood there and took it in his little workman jumper.
OK, here's something that I noticed last night... and it seems to be causing a buzz with Lost fans this morning. Did you see the figure moving behind Christian in the burnt out Othersville? After Sun and Lapidus follow Christian inside and what looks like the smoke monster follows them through the door, you can see a figure standing behind Sun:

Is this supposed to be Claire? I know she's hangin' with her dad (my theory is she died in the explosion and is really dead now, just like Christian and Locke). Here's an enhanced photo:
It's not Claire. Is that a stage hand caught watching the show on a monitor? Or is it a Claire stand-in so they didn't have to pay the actress to be there on shooting day just to hover in the dark? Another Lost mystery... for now.
Creepy kid Ben is back. And unfortunately the actor seems to have gone through puberty. I guess we'll have to suspend some disbelief like we did with Walt and assume that Ben isn't rapidly aging or anything like that. Did he come on the same sub as Jack, Kate and Hurley supposedly did? Because he was so familiar with the guard, it looks as if he's been on the island for a while. I wonder if he's interacted with Sawyer, er LaFleur, and Juliette at all?
Gotta cut things short, the show is starting now... as usual, leave your comments below and we'll discuss this more.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Dora's all grown up... and slutty!

Now Joe Jonas hates Asians

Listener submission: Huge Sausage

I'll be honest, I was a little nervous opening up an email with the subject "Huge Sausage". Luckily this is what I got:
this is the world's largest sausage. It's 6,643 feet and was made in Serbia. Looks tasty, doesn't it?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Live posting: St. Pat's Day
join us for some corned beef and cabbage!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Tiger Woods stars in Caddyshack?

Resignation written on a sheet cake

Pete Wentz drinks his own pee
**Before watching, be warned that this video contains explicit language and pee drinking - NSFW**
Monday, March 16, 2009
My new favorite website

Hulk Hogan erupts in court

Guy's cabinet door sounds like Chewbacca!

Friday, March 13, 2009
Fatty-Fat Friday!

Hoola Hoop Kid
(On a personal note, If I went to that school I probably would have dated the girl in the audience yelling wooo! sarcastically).
80's Synth Mix

Back to the drawing board, scientists!
Explain that one, science man!

Ricky Gervais Sesame Street outtakes!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Woman gives birth to a block of cheese

I will not be commenting on this one. You're welcome.

Man with a fake-looking real beard

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My friend, Caleb!

Thanks to everyone who friend-requested me... even though you weren't #1000, I'm still looking forward to spending time with you in cyber world. So message me and we'll hang!

Someone farts during city council meeting
The Sham-Wow Song
Michelle Obama's slutty prom dress

Exhibit A: Michelle Obama's prom dress. Aye-Chihuahua! She's lucky that wicker chair didn't burst into flames!

5 cats that look like Wilford Brimley

Coincidentally, they all get their Diabetes supplies from Liberty Medical too. They'll help you live a better life, dammit.