Here's some random thoughts from last night's episode:
1 - Little kid Ben is not dead. Either Jin wakes up and brings him back to camp where Jack saves his life (blowing their cover and moving the story along) OR Richard Alpert comes along and works some magic on him OR he just magically heals like Locke did when he was shot by Ben. As per the "rules" of time travel that were laid out by Faraday (and the producers over and over again) the future cannot be changed. Ben is alive in the future, so he can't be dead in the past.
2 - I think Ben had to be shot. Remember, the past can't be changed, so everything that happens is supposed to happen. The island wouldn't have allowed Sayid to shoot Ben if it wasn't supposed to already happen. This shooting could explain how Ben becomes the leader of the Others. Locke was told that he had to kill his father and then die and ressurect in order to return to the island. We know that Ben also must kill his father, and perhaps being shot and rising from the dead is what makes him one with the islanders.
3 - Those Dharma people are adorable. Just when you think they're gonna cut off Sayid's fingers, they gently remove his restraints. And when you expect the creepy dude in the tent (one of the "Darryls" from Newhart!) to shove bamboo stakes under Sayid's fingernails they give him the sugar cube of truth. I wonder how they were planning on killing him - tickling him to death?
4 - The list. Remember the list of "special" people that Ben sent Michael to bring to the Other's camp at the end of season 2? It was Kate, Sawyer, Jack and Hurley. Are they special because they were the only ones on the second plane that were flashed back in time? Yes, there's also Jin and Sayid... but Ben probably knows that Jin doesn't speak english yet and that Sayid would follow along anyway (which he did). Could these people have been chosen because they were the ones that Ben "remembers" from the 70's?
5 - Lafleur and Juliette. Come one, do you really expect to live together forever in harmony at Dharmaville? You KNOW everyone dies in the purge. Suck it up and get with the program!
6 - "A 12 year old Ben Linus brought me a chicken salad sandwich, how do you think I'm doing?"
That is all for now... let's continue the discussion in the comments section below.
Wow. Unlike some episodes, not much happened, but what did happen was crazy.
ReplyDeleteOk. If you couldn't see that Sayid was gonna kill lil' Ben, please, stop watching LOST, and flip on something more your style, like 90210. ;)
The writers constantly pound into our head that you can't change history. If Ben truly was dead, Juliette would've disappeared (Alpert brought her to the island, but Ben kept her there) and a whole boatload of other crap would've become undone. I'll revisit this in a quick spoiler at the end of my post.
Is it just me, or are they making Juliette sexier, and Kate uglier every episode? Maybe it's just my growing hatred for Kate that's doing it, or, maybe it's that I keep remembering Juliette in a bikini when she was cheating with that guy a couple of seasons ago ;)
Good call on that guy being one of the Daryls! For us more geeky people, he was also J.F. Sebastian, from Blade Runner.
As for Alpert helping young ben, I doubt it. When Ben kills his father, he's in a Dharma uniform, driving a Dharma vehicle. It's most likely that Jin or another Dharma finds him, and Jack ends up saving him. (Perhaps why Ben has Jack try to save him years later).
So yeah. Not a lot happened, just a bunch of Sayid backstory, I guess- but it was still a good ep.
Now for the spoiler below.
***On ABC.COM's LOST: Untangled, while talking about Ben, they show a quick shot of a 12 year old Ben bandaged up and hooked up to some kind of monitoring equipment in a bed. So, as you can see, he's not dead.
Eposide kind of left me spinning. I think the less that happens per episode the more confused I get as to where this might be headed.
ReplyDeleteWhere has Faraday been? We see Juliet Jin Sawyer Miles but Faraday is absent.
I am still wondering why Ben was all beat up when he got on the plane. I assume it was from trying to settle his score with Widmore by going after Penny once he realized Penny and Desmond were in the neighborhood.
Lastly what is with this Radzinsky guy? Does he just get rubbed out in the purge or is there more to his character?
Dammit! I completely forgot! The Island doesn't let people die if they're not done with them. Ben can't die because of the purpose he will fulfil on the island. Just like Locke's resurrection. Remember Michael? He took the loaded gun to his head and pulled the trigger. 'Click' The island can keep you from dying, even if you're in New York...
ReplyDeleteVerge -
ReplyDeleteRemember Radzinsky worked with Kelvin at the Swan, pushing the button. He was the one that drew the map on the blast door of the other stations on the island. Kelvin said that Radzinsky committed suicide at the station... but I think it was MURDER! Dum dum duuuum!
ReplyDeleteJack wasn't supposed to be on the list. Jacob gave Ben a list and he added Jack. Hurley was on it to deliver the message. Jack was on it because Ben wanted an operation. Kate and Sawyer were on it because they were both killers.