Remember a few months ago when Miley Cyrus was making fun of Asians? Well, it looks like Joe Jonas from The Jonas Brothers thinks its funny to make squinty eyes for the camera too. This photo was making it's way all around the internet yesterday. What's up with these Disney kids? Why do they hate Asians so much?????
You have no idea why he was doing that!!!! and that picture was from many years ago!! you can tell by his hair and just the way he looks! who cares if he was, or who cares if miley was! they are kids! and kids do goofy things, GET OVER IT
joe wasnt making fun of asians or insulting them. he wasnt hating on themm eitherr. i am a huge fan of the jonas brothers and joe is the sweet and funny onee. he wouldnt do that. i think its mean you guys would say that he was hating on them. P.S. I <3 YOUR MORNING SHOWW!! so please dont make fun of the jonas brothers.
WOW YOU GUYS ARE SAYING HE IS HATING ASIANS WHEN MEANWHILE YOU SAID "WHATS WITH THESE JONAS BROTHERS?!?!" sounds like you were hating on them. and look at a recent picture of joe jonas on google his hair is so much longer now. he was like 15 in that picture! he is the funny one of the bunch who cares! he was goofing off. stop cutting to conclusions. he most likely was having fun with his brothers! cuz u no..he can do that! doesnt mean he was hating asians. i am sure u have done that with yor eyes beforee.
hhaahah! its abouttt time that they mess up. sorry, but i dont get it AT ALLLL why everybody thinks they r sooo hot. lol! and they SUCKKK at singing. haahhaa. and now from this photo, whoaa. they r messedd up. bahaha
hey i love hot 99.5, but you dont need to go hating on the jonas brothers!!!! like everyone else said.... joe is the cute funny one, he was just goofing around, i mean come on guys, dont be jumping to conclusions.
That photo is from at least 4 years ago, and who knows the context? It looks pretty idiotic but it certainly didn’t happen “in the wake” of Miley’s dumbness. Give me a break. The Jonases have FAMILY members who are Asian.
actually i am indian and its not asians that have the squinty eyes its chinese people! and the only reasin why chinese people have squinty eyes is cuz in china or japan whatev ya its really hot and the sun shines in there eyes so by having squinty eyes it srops the sun from blinding em! AND THATS TRUE!!!!
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You have no idea why he was doing that!!!! and that picture was from many years ago!! you can tell by his hair and just the way he looks! who cares if he was, or who cares if miley was! they are kids! and kids do goofy things, GET OVER IT
ReplyDeletejoe wasnt making fun of asians or insulting them. he wasnt hating on themm eitherr. i am a huge fan of the jonas brothers and joe is the sweet and funny onee. he wouldnt do that. i think its mean you guys would say that he was hating on them.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I <3 YOUR MORNING SHOWW!! so please dont make fun of the jonas brothers.
WOW YOU GUYS ARE SAYING HE IS HATING ASIANS WHEN MEANWHILE YOU SAID "WHATS WITH THESE JONAS BROTHERS?!?!" sounds like you were hating on them. and look at a recent picture of joe jonas on google his hair is so much longer now. he was like 15 in that picture! he is the funny one of the bunch who cares! he was goofing off. stop cutting to conclusions. he most likely was having fun with his brothers! cuz u no..he can do that! doesnt mean he was hating asians. i am sure u have done that with yor eyes beforee.
there i saved you the trouble. theres a pic copy nd paste it nd look at the pic. joe is in the middle. look how much older he is now!
hhaahah! its abouttt time that they mess up. sorry, but i dont get it AT ALLLL why everybody thinks they r sooo hot. lol! and they SUCKKK at singing. haahhaa. and now from this photo, whoaa. they r messedd up. bahaha
ReplyDeletehey i love hot 99.5, but you dont need to go hating on the jonas brothers!!!! like everyone else said.... joe is the cute funny one, he was just goofing around, i mean come on guys, dont be jumping to conclusions.
ReplyDeleteThat photo is from at least 4 years ago, and who knows the context? It looks pretty idiotic but it certainly didn’t happen “in the wake” of Miley’s dumbness. Give me a break. The Jonases have FAMILY members who are Asian.
ReplyDeleteIts a rare day when i meet someon whp HASNT don that. its not making fun of them, i do it, my bff is asain and she laughs. she doesn't get offended.
ReplyDeleteactually i am indian and its not asians that have the squinty eyes its chinese people! and the only reasin why chinese people have squinty eyes is cuz in china or japan whatev ya its really hot and the sun shines in there eyes so by having squinty eyes it srops the sun from blinding em! AND THATS TRUE!!!!