This is Caleb, my 1,000th Facebook friend!
As promised, Caleb is now officially my real-life friend. I'm just starting to get to know Caleb, so all I can really tell you about him is that he's married, he enjoys concerts and tattoos, he's trying to get his motorcycle license, he like Battlestar Galactica and the Evil Dead movies and he listens to WRRV.
Thanks to everyone who friend-requested me... even though you weren't #1000, I'm still looking forward to spending time with you in cyber world. So message me and we'll hang!
Hey Boris - How come you never talk about Caleb? You said you would be hanging out all the time, and have him in the studio. I haven't heard anything since this contest ended. If its not working out, can I be your friend, so we can drink beers and watch Lost together?